Sunday, October 06, 2013

Barry sinks deeper into petulance and pouting

By ensuring that the FedGov puts up barrycades along the roads in South Dakota, to ensure that people cannot pull over and take pictures of Mount Rushmore.

From the comments at that post:

Don’t we have in all of these shutdowns a perfect example of what Obamacare will do to medical care.

No Federal money, so no access even if you have the money.

I think we need to start calling this “the shutdown that foreshadows what Obamacare will do to our medical care.”


  1. I think we need to start calling this shutdown what it obviously is: the visible beginning of a dictatorship.

  2. The National Socialist Democrat Party is going to keep this crap up until shooting starts, is that what they want?

    It would sure be nice to have a President in the offal office rather that a whiny, vicious, nasty, snot nosed, self entitled six year old.

    Can we impeach this bastard yet?


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