Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Gutless pathetic liar lies again.

In other news, water is wet.

I'm not going to blockquote it, you can go read all about how Obama said "I totally never said that Red Line bit, and you didn't build it anyway, and my credibility isn't on the line, and I don't need the Consitution" crap.

At this point, I am so ashamed of that lying piece of shit that I can't put it into words.  And the media, who's major occupation at this point is to fall on their knees and worship their Lord, God and Savior, the Black Jesus Obama, just lets him lie.

This is why we'll never have another Republican president.  The press is nothing more than the Democrat American Nazi Party propaganda machine, and the GOP is still playing tiddlywinks with them.


  1. It could not have been said any better.

  2. Anonymous5/9/13 10:52

    What is especially insulting is that while the Komrade Mother-fucking Liar-in-Chief is bullshitting us about anything and everything, he actually expects us to believe it!

    The last really, really good President this country had, Ronald Reagan, was noted for saying, "Trust, but verify." Whit the Komrade Mother-fucker in the White House, Reagan's homily should be, "Do NOT trust, and be goddam sure to verify."

    And the same goes for just about everyone else in his cabinet, especially SecState John Heinz-Kerry (or Kerry-Heinz), Shyster General Eric "The Contemptible" Holder, and Veep Joe "Mortimer Snerd" Biden.



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