Thursday, May 09, 2013

The Benghazi Hearings

I'm trying to remember who said it - "If you're a Republican and you're just catching up on what happened in Benghazi, you're just stepping off your spaceship from the planet Zargon".  In other words, there's no need for me to rehash the whole thing.

What I will say is this: 

There is absolutely no doubt that the Obama administration left Americans to die in Benghazi. 

There is absolutely no doubt that the Obama administration blamed a YouTube video for the attacks, when that video had nothing to do with it and the film-maker is still in jail.

There is absolutely no doubt that the Obama administration lied and tried to cover up the real reasons behind the attacks.

There is absolutely no doubt that the Obama administration has continued to lie about Benghazi and it's actions before, during and after the attack.

There is absolutely no doubt that the Democrat American Communist Party and their lackeys in the Government-Media Complex are continuing to lie, obfuscate and provide cover for the Obama administration during these hearings, even as the truth continues to come out despite the Left's best efforts.

Unfortunately, I don't think we have enough people with integrity or balls in Washington D.C. to impeach that gutless piece of shit currently infesting the Oval Office - even if we could get enough Republicans to do it, the Democrat American Communist Party still controls the Senate, and there's no way in hell they're going to impeach their Marxist Messiah.  It's not like they give a shit about the Constitution anyways - they wipe their ass with it each and every morning as a matter of principal.

Hopefully these hearings will end Hillary Clinton's political career, but I'm not even certain of that.  This country is too far gone.

What I can say for certain is that the full exposure of the total corruption and incompetence of this Administration makes my stomach churn.


  1. Anonymous9/5/13 13:53

    The fact nobody seems to care about this is yet another sign that this country is gone. This is basically Watergate and The Bay of Pigs having a steroid-enhanced baby. But nobody gives a shit.

  2. Crotalus9/5/13 16:52

    We've been burned by both parties for too long to give a shit anymore. Let the country burn.


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