Monday, February 20, 2012

A good question

From Mostly Cajun -

How do YOU think five dollar gas is going to change the lives of you and your group?

Right off the top of my head - my budget for my program will be shot long before the end of the fiscal year, and we'll have to cancel multiple events and serve fewer Soldiers.  On a personal level, less traveling, less luxury items, and a very uncertain future regarding if I move, where I would move to and who else is in that pool.

And an economy that does a swan dive off the 50 meter platform, performs a half-gainer with a twist, and impacts the bottom of the empty pool at terminal velocity.


  1. Anonymous20/2/12 20:41

    Reduce your porno budget and you’ll be fine.

  2. If you're paying for pr0n, you just don't know where to go.

  3. Crotalus (Don't Tread on Me)21/2/12 22:17

    Well, i just got a job that I may have to quit because of the commute. Obama's plan to destroy us all continues apace.

  4. Hell, a Geo Metro is still going to take 40-50 dollars a week in gasoline. Anyone with an actual vehicle instead of a roller-skate with an engine is going to be hurting.

    Even my little four-banger still eats enough gas to put a $40 dent in my wallet at least once a week. If I actually do any traveling, it's more.


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