Sunday, October 02, 2011

Be a Man, shaving update

So I've been using this razor for about three weeks now.  I use the "unscented" pre-shave oil from The Art of Shaving.  I put the "unscented" in quotation marks because it's made from botanical oils that have their own aroma - sandalwood, pepper, lavender, and a few others.  It doesn't have a strong odor, and the Ragin' Mrs. sniffed it and said "It just smells...  well...  masculine."  In any case, the aroma doesn't last after you lather up and shave.  I haven't used an aftershave or balm yet.

So far, it's the best shave I've had in my life.  Seriously.  I use a generic glycerine shaving soap that I bought from a soap shop in Seattle, that I've been using for the last six months or so.  I've been using a mug and brush for years, because I can't stand the chemical glop that comes out of a can.  I change the razor out once a week, and a ten pack of razors cost me about $6.00, if I remember correctly.  Once I got the technique down, I was clean as a whistle.  The only place my wife can feel any stubble is right under my chin, and I had stubble there with a cartridge razor as well.  It's just a spot that's hard to shave no matter what razor I use.  I just shave after I shower, and it takes a few extra minutes.  I have less ingrown hairs too.  I used to get them on my cheeks and my chin.  I haven't had a one since I started using the safety razor.

All in all, I wish I had done this sooner.


  1. Jason Kallini4/10/11 19:10

    If you ever feel like giving another shave a try, Miss Jenny's Soaps ( amazing. One clove bar lasts me about six months, and is the best shave I have ever had.

  2. I'm trying to convince a local soap maker to make me a shaving soap. We use their stuff pretty much exclusively in the house, and it's the best soap I've used so far.


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