Sunday, April 09, 2006

Are the criminals still protesting?

I mean, I keep hearing about these hundreds of thousands of people protesting and rioting so that illegal aliens, ie. criminals, get to become US citizens at the drop of a hat.

I wonder, if I sneak into Mexico and demand Mexican citizenship at the drop of a hat, how long do you think it would take before I was tossed in jail?

Anyways, I hope that the average American gets to see lots of non-English speaking criminals waving Mexican flags, because right now that's the best way for this country to get serious about illegal aliens. And normally placid folks (or at least folks who can hold their temper better than I) are getting flat out sick of seeing criminals flood the streets waving the flag of a corrupt shithole like Mexico.

Dok Russia: If Mexicans want to come here, then fine. Do it legally. Register, so that we can make sure that your employer is not skipping out on his responsibilities to you, and passing along the costs to us. Do it legally, and let us make sure that we can weed out the murderers and drug dealers that are preying upon all of us. Do it legally. Get an education, Learn to speak English. Fine. Do all of those things. Just do them legally, or stay in Mexico.

From a health care professional at What Now Murphy: Hasn't it hit anyone between the goddamned eyes yet that there is only ONE group getting all in a hissy about this illegal immigration shit? You don't see any Vietnamese out there marching; nope, no Danes, hmm... where are the Canadians? The Japanese? Maybe because everyone ELSE does it legally. This will be an incredible insult to anyone who has ever gone through the process to become a legal citizen. Instead of, you know, the MEXICAN way of hanging out at a 24 hour Wal-Mart in the ninth month of pregnancy to drop their kid.

And someone who's quite possibly more pissed off than I am on any given day, Acidman:

I'm pissed from watching television coverage of the recent immigration protests. The Latinos surely impressed me. I never want to see another fucking Mexican flag again in my life. (There's your precious "multiculturalism" in action.) And if an illegal immigrant wants to wave one, I suggest that he take his wetback ass back home to do it.

Don't sneak into MY country and then flip ME the finger. (Learn to speak English so that you can cuss me properly, dammit.) What the hell are you trying to do, anyway? The message seems to be, "We want your country, but we don't want YOU." Boy, THAT'S the way to win American hearts and minds to your cause.

As for me, well... when I was working in the hospital in Seattle, when you saw entire floors wearing masks over their noses and mouths, you knew some border-jumping wetback had arrived for their free healthcare and were making themselves unwelcome. There's nothing quite like a criminal alien with tuberculosis screaming in broken English in your face. Trying to wrestle cigarettes away from a half-lung criminal alien who's determined to smoke even though we have oxygen being pumped into his room isn't something I like doing.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: All those illegal immigration protests are a target rich environment for the INS. But hell, the INS have been hamstrung for at least a decade. Otherwise we wouldn't have the criminals out in the streets protesting in the first place.

Hell, just build the fence already. We'll deal with the criminals once we have control of our borders.

I know I might piss off some people with a post like this, but right now I'm sick of criminals demanding all kinds of shit. I'm sick of border jumping illegal aliens demanding to be citizens of this country when all they want are the perks and non of the responsibilities. Piss off. My tax dollars have better things that they could be used for, like a twenty foot high wall topped with razor wire and snipers positioned every half a mile to pick off anyone stupid enough to try to crawl over it.

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