Sunday, February 08, 2004

A few things for you today. First up is a story of an honorary Texan, who just happens to live in California.

Firing nine rounds from two handguns, a 53-year-old Rancho Cordova woman fended off an intruder Thursday night after he crashed through her sliding glass door.

Now, what are the chances that your average 53 year old woman is going to be able to manhandle a violent intruder in her home? Not very good. Put a pistol in her hand, and watch said violent intruder flee. IT. IS. THAT. SIMPLE.

William Kriske, a 47-year-old parolee, was treated for a gunshot wound to the arm, then taken to jail and arrested on suspicion of burglary and resisting arrest, according to Sacramento County Sheriff's Sgt. Lou Fatur.

Wait a minute.... Nine shots, one hit? ONE? More on that in a second.

"That's OK, I don't think he'll be back," said Lisle, who emptied one .357 revolver at the intruder before she retrieved a second one and he crashed through another window to flee.

No, he won't be back. Not if he enjoys drawing breath. Oh, and about that single hit out of nine shots?

"I was trying to miss my furniture. Priorities, right?" Lisle said.

BWAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! That woman right there just entered my "Clank Brigade"! (For newbies, that's the group of people with balls of brass so damn big that they clank together when they walk. Gender doesn't matter) And the best news of all:

Lisle, who said her guns are registered, will not face criminal charges, Fatur said. California law allows someone to use deadly force whenever a reasonable person believes an intruder poses a threat to kill.

California shows some sense! HALLI-FRIGGIN-LUJIA! Thanks to Cap'n Jim for pointing this out.

Next up kinda surprised me. I normally hate modern poetry. Part of it is the fact that it's written by a bunch of idiotic morons who compound their stupidity by using just about any kind of drug they can get their hands on, and while they sit in the basement of a their one friend who actually has a job, they scribble out some sort of crap like "Blue big dogs, jump up and down, land on my face, ow ow ow ow ow it hurts ineedanotherbonghitrightnowthankyouverymuch Blue's Clues isn't just for kids its aLso grEEn and reD" and then they try to pass this crap off as some sort of deep intellectual thinking when in reality it's nothing more than drug-addled ramblings trying to pass as creativity, much like this one long run-on sentence. Seriously, have you checked out any modern poetry lately? It SUCKS! It sucks like a ten-dollar whore on payday! It's like they vomit up a few words, toss 'em in a blender, and then pour out the results! "Oooo, I know! I'll write the words "vagina", "pig", "cigar", "brutal", and "hegemony" in different places all over the page! Yeah, that's art, man!" No, it's not Art! IT'S CRAP! "OOooo, look, I wrote a paragraph without using any punctuation or capitalizations!" Yay for you. Now go back to the third grade and learn PROPER ENGLISH, you dumbass!

Modern poetry has become a joke. A very bad joke, and it's getting worse every day. As someone who was accepted to college for English (Dear G-d, what a turn MY life took!) it's sad to see those possibilities to connect with people destroyed. Think about it. Who was the last great modern poet? Robert Frost? Maya Angelou? Poetry has been reduced to a far-left hodge-podge of crap and bullshit.

So when I find something like this, I rejoice. Tempo and rhythm, the stanzas completing themselves and each other, with a message that hits hard. And I'd like to thank Eric of Who Tends The Fires for pointing it out to me.

Maybe more later. Till then.....

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