Thursday, April 23, 2020

This fucking Marxist pagan should have never been a priest, much less the anti-Pope.

Jorge Bergolio once again exposes his heathen beliefs.

“There is a Spanish saying that is very clear about this. It goes: ‘God always forgives; we humans sometimes forgive, and sometimes not; the earth never forgives,’” he warned, departing from his prepared text. “The earth does not forgive: if we have despoiled the earth, its response will be very ugly.” 
The pontiff anti-Pope has declared that the Wuhan coronavirus is “nature’s response” to humanity’s failure to address the “catastrophes” wrought by human-induced climate change.
(correction to his title made by me)

After this pagan heretic had Amazonian pagan idols installed inside Vatican churches, there should have been no doubt about what kind of man he is.  But just in case anyone didn't understand, he continues to open his mouth and remove all doubt.  I wonder if he even believes in God.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the true pope of the Catholic Church.


Adrienne said...

I really try to ignore anything this usurper says. Your title says it all.

Ragin' Dave said...

Yep. I do try to be rather pithy when the situation calls for it.