Thursday, April 30, 2020

The liberal shrieking SJW scolds got to Utah.

Have you ever done anything wrong in your life, ever?  Then DIE SCUM DIE!

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes’s office announced Tuesday it will no longer be working with Utah tech firm Banjo after a report alleges the company’s CEO was involved with a white supremacist group three decades ago.

Three.  Decades.  Ago.  The dude was a teenager.  Tell me you never did some dumb shit when you were a teenager, and I'll just laugh in your face.  He was FIFTEEN YEARS OLD when he did stupid shit.  

With a Democrat Party organization, no less.

And now, three decades later, despite the fact that he's proven to be a good citizen and a good person who shuns that stupidity, people want to cancel him out.

Folks, this is toxic.  This is destructive.  It's anti-Christian.  It goes against everything that we have learned as decent humans, but then the Left doesn't have too many decent humans in their number.

By all accounts, this guy left his fifteen-year-old self's stupidity and made something of himself.  He served in the Navy.  He started a company.  He's worked for, with, and over every kind of person, and yet to the Left none of that matters.  Only what this guy did as a fifteen year old kid matters.  Which is complete and utter bullshit.  We're not dealing with people who are acting in good faith.  Where's the tolerance?  Where's the acceptance?  A guy who leaves his racist past behind and becomes a good person would normally make a Hollywood movie script, where they could bludgeon people with their SJW message, but when it actually happens in real life they cancel the dude?

I'm sure that there's a hell of a lot more going on than meets the eye.  But destroying people over what they did as a fifteen year old kid, THREE DECADES AGO, shows not only a lack of heart, it shows a lack of brains.

But then, we're dealing with the Left.  So both apply equally.

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