Saturday, February 08, 2020

Jorge Bergolio is a godless Marxist

Hey, Jorge?  Why don't you and your boyfriend go back to Argentina and try your Marxist bullshit there, hmmmm?

Tax cuts for the wealthy constitute a “structure of sin,” Pope Francis said Wednesday in a passionate address calling for international wealth redistribution.

Let's simplify something, shall we?  And this is something that anyone with a basic knowledge of theology would understand, which apparently does not include Jorge the Commie Pedo.  Forced charity IS NOT CHARITY, IT IS THEFT.

“Today’s structures of sin include repeated tax cuts for the richest people, often justified in the name of investment and development,” Francis told the meeting organized by the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences.

This godless commie is a wolf in shepherd's clothing.  Forcing people to give their money to the government does nothing for your soul.  It will not lead you to salvation.  It does NOTHING to expunge your obligation to help the poor, because you are not helping the poor.  You are simply enriching the corrupt and powerful, while signaling your unearned virtue of "charity".  And meanwhile, as the corrupt and powerful siphon tax dollars into their own pockets, the people who actually need charity don't get it because the money that would go to charity has been taken away from the people who could give it.

Here's a little experiment for you.  Go take a gander at how many of your local hospitals have a saint's name in there somewhere, or how many end in "Presbyterian" or "Methodist" or "Lutheran".  Those organizations were running hospitals for everyone, long before the government decide to financially rape everybody with a job.  Many of them continue to do the Lord's work despite the governmental interference, because it is what God has called them to do.  Little Sisters of the Poor, anyone?

The government is not charity, because the government takes your money against your will and uses it for whatever the corrupt and powerful wish to use it on, which leads to the government using tax dollars of Christians to pay for abortion on demand through Planned Parenthood, which uses some of that money to pay off politicians, who then make sure that Planned Baby-Parts-For-Cash gets even more money.  That is not charity.

Charity cannot be forced.  Charity that is forced on a person is simply theft with a fancy hat.  If you stick a gun in my face and take all my money, and then give that money to a single mother in Detroit, IT IS STILL THEFT.  In order for Charity to exist, it must be given freely out of a person's understanding of God's love and God's will.  That means that government programs can never be, and will never be, charity.  Charity is the supernatural love of God, expressed through his followers here on earth.  It is not yet another government hand-out.

I cannot believe that a topic this simple would get skipped in seminary, so I'm forced to conclude that Jorge the Commie Sodomite knows this simple fact, and choses to ignore it in favor of the santanic, ungodly ideology that he worships instead of worshiping the one true God and savior.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the one true pope.  Jorge Bergolio is the anti-Pope, doing Satan's will on this earth.

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