Monday, January 20, 2020

How 'bout you put the fucking fork down, lady?

Another gravitationaly-challenged porker squeals about how unfair it is that people judge her on her weight.  (link goes to David Thompson's blog)

Fat academics need to be more vocal in calls for increased structural accessibility such as larger desks or substitutions for tables and chairs, greater ease in access to elevators, and more. Yet in addition to structural changes that campuses could make to help people of size be more comfortable -- such as providing larger bathrooms, chairs without arms and larger auditorium seating -- we need to discuss more techniques to combat stigma within classrooms.

Nope.  With the exception of people who have a medical condition (thyroid, cancer, etc), the problem with people being fat is themselves.  And if you're fat, and you're offended, I'm not sorry.  I have to maintain a certain weight and body fat percentage to stay in the Army.  I have to work every day to make sure I'm eating right, and working out, so that I maintain my fitness even though I'm stuck behind a desk doing fuck-all for physical exertion ten to twelve hours a day.  It takes self control to not eat ice cream every night.  We just don't buy it.  We don't bring it in to the house.  It takes self control to cook your own food instead of eating processed crap every day.  Again, we just don't buy the crap or bring it in to the house, which forces us to cook real food.  Yes, it takes effort.  It's what we used to call "being an adult".

What this academic wants is for people to applaud her complete and total lack of self control while she stuffs her face with all the things that makes her fat.  That's like a slut demanding that people applaud their genital warts.  "LOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEEE!  MY INABILITY TO CONTROL MYSELF HAS GIVEN ME A MEDICAL CONDITION AND MULTIPLE DISEASES!  YOU MUST WORSHIP ME NOW!"

To hell with that crap.  Nobody admires a 400 pound blob for their fatness, and nobody should do so.  If Jabba the grad student wants approval for something, maybe she should take the time to lose the weight and show the world that she can actually control herself.  Otherwise, piss off.

Crap like this is why I take college classes online.  If I had to sit in a class being lectured by a feminazi land-whale, I'd be kicked out of school faster than this sow gobbles down a triple cheeseburger with bacon.  She doesn't need acceptance.  She needs to put her fork down.

Look, we all pack on a few pounds here or there, but if you have to clean between the folds of flab, you're a fattie.  If your blood type could be "Jello Pudding", you're a fattie.  If you have to reach around the mound of flesh to wipe your own ass, you're a fattie.  And if you have to get special chairs and desks made to accommodate your bulk, you're a fattie.

Put down the fork.  Step away from the fork, and the spoon.  Eat a salad, without the quart of ranch dressing.  Hell, put down the ranch dressing because most of them are made with absolute crap.  Cook real food that you bought at the supermarket.  Learn how to cook healthy.  Don't know how?  Try looking it up on your smart phone, which even people on welfare have, and which can get you access to the ENTIRETY OF THE WORLD'S KNOWLEDGE IN FIVE SECONDS.

But don't ask me to applaud you while you waddle your quarter-ton ass to your specially reinforced chair.  Ain't gonna happen.


dave draje said...

"If your blood type could be "Jello Pudding", you're a fattie."
R.D.: What a great line. You can always be counted on for originality.
Put down the fork, step away from the cake...quickly with your hands behind your head and fingers inter-locked. :D
Good stuff.

Ragin' Dave said...

I wish I could take credit for that, but I've heard that line several other places. Steven Crowder used it at one point. So I might not be original, but I've got a good memory!