Thursday, January 23, 2020

Alexandria DonkeyChompers McBigtits opens her piehole once again

What an unbelievably stupid, ignorant, bitter woman.

She addressed a hypothetical "widget" billionaire in her remarks. 
"You didn't make those widgets, did you? Because you employed thousands of people and paid them less than a living wage to make those widgets for you," Ocasio-Cortez said. "You didn't make those widgets. You sat on a couch while thousands of people were paid modern-day slave wages, and in some cases real modern-day slavery."

I just want to point out that this unbelievably ignorant Marxist moron has a "degree" in "economics" from Boston College.  This woman can't tie her own shoelaces together without instruction, people.  If that doesn't show you the devaluation of a fancy degree, I don't know what does.  There's not a single business owner out there who's just sitting on a couch counting their money while other people make their widgets.  And if Alexandria DonkeyChompers McBigtits wasn't such a blithering idiot Marxist, she might know that.

Or even worse, maybe she does know that, but she's blatantly lying for political gain.  Which makes her an even worse kind of communist.  The kind that needs to be given a free helicopter ride.


Anonymous said...

Correction....half a helicopter ride.

I believe Augusto Pincohet would only have commie passengers during takeoff, but not landing.

Ragin' Dave said...

He didn't have a half-bad idea, given how poisonous and destructive communism and socialism are in all their forms.