Thursday, December 19, 2019

I agree

Get the hell out of Afghanistan now.

The Taliban rules the countryside. The drug warlords are laughing at us. Our corrupt “allies” are raking in our cash, with trillions of our dollars spraying out of a massive spigot that the beneficiaries don’t want to cut off. But worse, our troops are dying in drips and drabs. Hell, a year ago one of my friends got shot there by somebody pretending to be our ally right up until the moment that turd decided to blast the infidels with a weapon we probably bought him. I do not presume to speak for my friend and I have no idea where he stands on the politics – like all our great soldiers, he’ll go where ordered and do his utmost – but I’m retired and I know where I stand.

I'm still wondering:  What is the objective for our troops in Afghanistan?  Anyone?  Can anyone of you, or anybody from the government that keeps wasting our blood and money in that barbarian shithole, tell me what our objective is in Afghanistan?

I don't think we actually have one.  I think at this point we're just going through the motions.

Afghanistan is a third-world shithole of the worst order.  It's not even a real country.  It's a geographical region filled with nine different tribes of people who all hate each other, but they're surrounded by mountains so the rest of the world calls them a "country".  They'll never be a functioning country, because they'll never have a functioning society as long as it's just nine musloid tribes all fighting each other, and that ain't gonna change any time soon.

You really can't trust any of the tribes, because they don't think like we do.  They don't have the same concept of "Honor" or "Integrity" that we do.  You can't function with them because they don't have the same mindset about business dealings that we do.  And quite frankly, unless we're willing to flatten the country, destroy their barbaric society, erase their quaint habits (like raping little boys for fun, stoning women to death, etc) then they're going to continue being a third-world shithole of the worst sort no matter how much blood or money we spend trying to change them.

Get out.  Get out now.  And if the terrorists come back, just bomb their houses into craters, and flatten their families into dust.  Stop wasting America's best on a country that doesn't deserve it.


p2 said...

Hell, even Ivan figured it out in less than 10 years. How long have we been at this?

Ragin' Dave said...

Lots of money being made in Afghanistan. Lots of people making bank from the US war effort. Follow the money to see who still supports us being there.

Deserttrek said...

the corrupt congress budgets even more money
lots of kickbacks and jobs for relatives
and of course we don't want to fight them in New Jersey, wait the mother fuckers are already here
get out, get home, watch the borders