Thursday, October 03, 2019

Americans pay more in taxes than on food, clothing and medical care combined

Things that cannot go on forever will not.  Buy more ammo.

In 2018, according to Table R-1, American consumer units spent an average of $9,031.93 on federal income taxes; $5,023.73 on Social Security taxes (which the table calls "deductions"); $2,284.62 on state and local income taxes; $2,199.80 on property taxes; and $77.85 on what BLS calls "other taxes." 
The combined payments the average American consumer unit made for these five categories of taxes was $18,617.93. 
At the same time the average American consumer unit was paying these taxes, it was spending $7,923.19 on food; $4,968.44 on health care; and $1,866.48 on "apparel and services." 
These combined expenditures equaled $14,758.11. 
So, the $14,758.11 that the average American consumer unit paid for food, clothing and health care was $3,859.82 less than the $18,617.93 it paid in federal, state and local income taxes, property taxes, Social Security taxes and "other taxes."

Everybody feeling all warm and happy yet?  While Schiff for brains and the rest of the Democrat Party use our government to destroy the rule of law and make a mockery out of the justice system?

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