Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What they said

With regard to Red Flag Laws...  I don't trust the gummint any further than I can throw their bloated asses.

From Old NFO:  So much for "due process" with those Red Flag Laws.

From LawDog:  An Open Letter to Representative Crenshaw

There is not a single law that the government will not abuse.  That's been proven time and time again.  Give them an inch, they take a mile.  Give them permission to do anything, you will find them doing whatever the hell they want, and your rights will be tossed out the window.

It's a violation of the 2nd Amendment, the 4th Amendment, and lord knows how many other laws.  And any politician who supports Red Flag Laws are just trying to "do something". 

Not just no, but "Fuck No With Cheese".

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