Friday, February 01, 2019


People...  I don't know if you've heard about this recently, but...  it's cold.

Tens of millions of Americans braved Arctic-like temperatures on Thursday as low as minus 56 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 49 Celsius) that paralyzed the U.S. Midwest and were blamed for at least 21 deaths.

When the Ragin' Mrs. and I first got to Wisconsin, it got to -46 degrees.  And we moved there from Puerto Rico.  Yet, somehow, we knew enough to NOT go outside without appropriate clothing.

Yes, people have been found dead.  I got that.  Let me be heartless right here, m'kay?  I'm going straight to the "Ohmygodhowcouldyousaythat" zone.

If people get drunk and wander outside in -50 degrees, they probably deserved to die.

If people get high, crawl into an abandoned house and freeze to death, then I'm going to guess that they weren't really a contributing member of society.

I do feel sorry for the older folks with dementia who went outside in their underoos and froze to death.  I have no idea what they must have gone through, other than it was painful.  But if you're one of those people who died because you wanted to pull a stupid prank, or you got drunk and locked yourself out of your house, or you're a crackhead who won't go to a shelter because they won't let you smoke crack in there, and you end up a human popsicle?

Well...  that's what is called natural selection, folks.  The stupid people die off, and makes the human race smarter by their subtraction.

Let the hate mail commence.


Adrienne said...

This born and raised Minnesota girl shares your thoughts. I like the reports about how long it would take for your eyeballs to freeze. WTHell? Who walks into the wind when it's 50 below windchill?

Ragin' Dave said...

I've actually gone running at -30, just to prove a point. Of course, I was wrapped up like Nanook of the North, but I did three miles and came back just fine.

If you don't know how to survive in the cold, when you live in the UPPER MIDWEST, then maybe you're not really supposed to be alive, y'know?