Friday, February 22, 2019

Check this list out

Hundreds of fake hate crimes.  Hate crime hoaxes, just like Juicy Smollet, or whatever the hell the gay black actor's name is.

I guarantee that you can think of more than just that list.  This is why I refuse to believe any claims of a hate crime, or "alt-right" criminal action, until concrete, definitive proof has been offered.  The Left lies.  It lies constantly.  It's entire ideology is based upon lies, and it's claims of victimhood are just so many lies again, aided and abetted by the Democrat Media Complex.

To hell with them all.


doctor_kaz said...

The only thing unique about this case is that the mainstream media is reporting it being a hoax. They usually memory hole the thing, which makes me wonder if ol' Jussie pissed somebody off.

Ragin' Dave said...

He went on some morning TV show and flat out lied his ass off. All while the Chicago PD was telling people under the table that the entire case stunk to high heaven.

He pissed off the Chicago PD first and foremost, by wasting their time with his bullshit claim. They were the ones who were telling people under the table that it was most likely a Grindr date gone bad, and that was before they had the total story.

Still, you won't get anybody asking all those celebrities if they've changed their mind about Donald Trump's America being a cesspool of hatred and homophobia. THAT part will get memory-holed. Hell, it already has been. Seen Ellen Page getting interviewed anywhere, and asked about why she bought into the lies?