Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Yeah, pretty much

Just go naked next year for the Golden Globes.

I didn't watch the Golden Globes. I'll admit it. I would rather sit through a concert of second-graders playing the recorder than force myself to watch Hollywood weirdos give themselves awards. However, news from these stupid events is inescapable. I was surfing Twitter last night when I was assaulted by this image of some THOT I don't know trying to squeeze her nipples into this dress that looks like it was designed by Edward Scissorhands.

Given that I don't watch TV, and to me "Golden Globes" are when a young, non-anorexic Angelina Jolie went naked in "Gia", I'm pretty much of the opinion that Hollywood actresses could go naked all day long and I still wouldn't really give a shit.  This is why the PoundMeToo movement pretty much went nowhere.  Normal Americans aren't going to take the moral lead from a group of people who are practically responsible for 50% of the STDs in America.  Not only that, but we all know they're a bunch of hypocrites.

That they go from "Stop Objectifying me!" to "Look how this dress barely covers my tits!" gives normal people whiplash from watching it.

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