Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Ten Red Flags about Sexual Assault Claims

Also known as "The Rule of Law".

It’s not nice or politically correct to say, but people do sometimes lie to get money, revenge, power, attention, or political advantage. False allegations of sexual assault have been documented. Even the most pro-accuser advocates acknowledge that 5 percent of the claims are simply false. 
When the complaint is “he said/she said,” we should not helplessly acquiesce to coin-flip justice that picks winners and losers based upon the identity politics profile of the accused and accuser. Experience with a career’s worth of complaints in hearings, depositions, and negotiations has taught me some tells, red flags that warn that an innocent person stands accused.

I have been falsely accused of sexual harassment before, when I worked at the EMP in Seattle.  Luckily, that place has cameras everywhere, and my boss was able to observe the supposed harassment, and then went to his boss and said "This is utter and complete bullshit."  But suppose there had been no video?  In today's current climate, I would have been screwed.  In retrospect, this is probably one of the reasons I'm so opposed to working with females.  Yeah, 95% of them wouldn't do that.  But 5% would, and that's enough to ruin my career and my life.

Thanks, but no thanks. 

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