Sunday, December 10, 2017

Modern Music Sucks

And that's why radio is dying.

"Oh but Dave....."  But nothing.  Modern music sucks, requires little to no talent, and gets tossed in the trash heap about six months after it's put out on the market.  I cannot stand "Bro-Country".  I would rather jam icepicks into my ears than listen to rap or any other "urban" or "hip-hop" crap.  Most female singers these days can only be listened to with the volume completely off, and let's face, it, that's why they were signed in the first place.

I would listen to talk radio and sports radio in Virginia.  I'm doing the same thing here.  I have yet to find a radio station playing music that doesn't make me want to punch my fist through the console as of yet.  NPR has classical music, but I never know when they're going to be playing music, and when they're going to be yammering on about their progressive politics.  If I want music, I stream actual good music through my phone.

And, let me not be remiss here - there are absolute shitloads of good music floating around today.  But they're not being produced by the music labels.  Oh no, you can see them live at your local bar, but you won't find them on Amazon.  No, the music producers, the companies, would rather have an auto-tuned Taylor Swift than whatever band is out there actually making music.

At one point, I flipped through the music stations in Richmond, and some band called "Imagine Dragons" was on four of them.  The same song.  Don't ask me what song, I didn't bother to look it up.  But it was the same band, same song, four different stations at once.  And I think Imagine Dragons is one of the most over-rated bands, ever.  Four stations at once.  Which means that whatever other music was out there, it was worse than the over-produced shit from a over-rated band.

Radio has it's problems, and many of them are self-inflicted.  But the absolute shittiness of music these days it's it's fault.  At least, I don't think it is.

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