Tuesday, October 31, 2017

In Vino Veritas

Drunken shitwad and all around big-government asshole John Boehner still can't stop attacking the people who vote for the GOP.

Former House Speaker John Boehner let loose a furious invective against House Freedom Caucus founder Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in an interview with Politico this week. Boehner, who abruptly resigned from Congress in 2015, said Jordan, a fellow Ohioan, "was a terrorist" who was largely responsible for Republican failures during his tenure.

Boehner's delusion is incredible.  That orange douchenozzle lied his ass off on the campaign trail and immediately got to kissing Democrat ass the moment he set foot on Capitol Hill, and he wants to blame Jim Jordon for his failures?  It's telling that Boehner has no problem running his mouth to Politico, a leftist rag, because Boehner never had a problem with Leftists.  He only had a problem with the people who...  you know...  VOTED REPUBLICAN.  Boehner always punched to the Right, and never to the Left.  He had his lips wrapped around Obama's cock for so long that they were permanently formed in an "O" shape.  And now he still wants to attack the Right, which is just a perfect capstone for why he resigned in the first place.

Asked whether he think the Republican Party will survive the dysfunction, he answered, “There is no Rep—...” He stopped mid-sentence to correct himself. There is still a Republican Party, he explained. "But what does it even mean? Donald Trump’s not a Republican. He’s not a Democrat. He’s a populist. He doesn’t have an ideological bone in his body." Asked who the leader of the GOP is, Boehner shrugged, "There is nobody."

The hubris, the arrogance, the stupidity, the idiocy of John Boehner knows no bounds.  And he's more than willing to prove it to you.  John Boehner is a fucking disgrace, and he should have been kicked out of Congress long before he left on his own.

John Boehner is a huge part of the reason we have Trump as president.  Because the GOP establishment is a group of lying, backstabbing, traitorous, big-government shitweasels who lie to get elected but who loathe the people who elect them.  And John Boehner is THE perfect example of that.  What that fucking buffoonish fuckwit has failed to learn is that we the normal people loathe them right back.  That's what happens when you've been attacked and hated for decades.  Eventually, we the normal people get fed up.  We the normals get tired of being smeared just for expecting people to do what they say they're going to do.  We the normals get tired of watching elitist fucking assholes like John Fucking Boehner lie and play by another set of rules.  We the normals get tired of watching lying fucking assholes like John Fucking Boehner circle-jerk with their commie buddies at all the right cocktail parties inside the Beltway while American continues to sink. Lying fucking assholes like John Fucking Boehner don't have to face the consequences of their actions while we normals have to shoulder a larger and larger burden to pay for all the fun that lying fucking traitors like John Fucking Boehner sign us up for.

John Fucking Boehner should have stayed gone.  John Fucking Boehner should have kept his big fat drunken mouth shut.  John Fucking Boehner can die screaming and spend eternity choking on the barbed cock of Satan.  In Dante's Inferno, the Ninth Circle of Hell is kept for traitors and betrayers.  Judas, Brutus and Cassius are eternally damned to be chewed upon by Satan.  Take Cassius out, and put Boehner in there.  He deserves it.

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