Thursday, August 24, 2017

Yeah, Pretty Much.

The Democrat wing of the Republican Party is upset with it's voters.  Too bad.  Either they listen to us, or they won't like what comes next.

What's the end game for these preening, posturing doofuses who call themselves Republicans, but who can't pass a CNN camera without slamming their party’s president? There is a lot of blue falconry going on in the GOP right now, and while it's pretty clear why, what's not so clear is what these fair weather frauds believe they're accomplishing. 

For those who don't know, a Blue Falcon is a military man who screws over his fellow Soldiers.  Blue Falcon.  B.F.  Buddy Fucker.

And it's following the same path as it did under GWB.  The Left was howling mad, screaming for blood, calling Republicans everything they could think of.  And the GOP did...  well, Denny Hastert, the Speaker of the House for the GOP, was screwing little boys and protecting Democrat criminals in Congress.  Which was just one more reason the GOP lost big in 2006.

So far the Republicans in Congress have shown themselves to be even more neutered little bitches now that Donald Trump is in office.  They actually have a chance to enact the legislation they've been promising for YEARS that they'll push if they get the chance, and instead they side with the Democrats and play kissy-kissy with disgusting Marxists like Chuck Schumer.

Mitch McConnell's approval rate in Kentucky is 18%.  Let that sink in.  We the People are pissed.  Mightily pissed.

And I think 18% might just be the high water mark for the rest of his political career.

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