Friday, January 13, 2017

It was 60 degrees today

So we went from single digits on Monday, to riding the motorcycle today.

Virginia.  Gotta love it.

1 comment:

Gladorn said...

I'm no longer as big a fan of snow now as I was when I was younger. The fact that I'm a mandatory employee and had to work 12-16 hour shifts in the stuff is one of the reasons. (It also sucks to get a lot of photos of your kids playing in the snow and and you realize you are going to miss out on it all.)

I do have to laugh at my friends and coworkers who are from northern climates. Once they experience a Virginia snow they don't joke about how drivers in the south can't drive in the stuff.

I do appreciate that we only have snow for a short while. Makes it more special. Hopefully I don't have to worry about "mandatory employee" status much longer and I'll be able to get snow days in the near future.