Saturday, November 05, 2016

Can someone smarter than me please....

Explain to me how The Stuttering Clusterfuck of Miserable Failure, Bathhouse Barry Obumblefuck, running around the country campaigning for Felonia Cankles McPantsuit is not a violation of the Hatch Act?


Grog said...

Although it pains me to type it, actually obumblefuck (heh, good phrase, you should trademark it) is allowed to campaign under the Hatch act.

The explanation is on page 7, in paragraph 1, of the 1st link in the footnotes, here's the definition.

"The Hatch act defines 'employee' for the purposes of the act as "any individual, other than the President and Vice President, employed or holding office in - (A) an executive agency other than the GAO; or (B) - a position within the competitive service which is not in an executive agency...."

So, while chewing on some tums for the heartburn that I have after reading the info on the wiki page including the footnotes, this time his actions have a legal foundation.

Not a Legitimate one, just a legal one.

Drumwaster said...

He beat me by a few hours, but yeah, what Grog said. The President isn't just the Commander in Chief and Chief Executive/Head of State, he is also the leader of his political party. Those rules just don't apply. The Cabinet, Agency heads and POTUS' ambassadors, OTOH, are political appointees, and are not supposed to use their office like that...

Ragin' Dave said...

Gah. Seeing Bathhouse Barry on the trail dribbling verbal diarrhea tripped my "FUCK YOU" trigger. I wish that worthless fucking prick would finally get a snootful of blow and have his heart explode.