Monday, June 01, 2015

Lindsey Graham is running for President

He has less of a chance than I do, and I'm not tossing my hat into the ring.


Crotalus said...

I don't see much chance for any of the Repukeagains.

Ragin' Dave said...

Given the predilictions of the GOP to pick a hopeless RINO squish, neither do I. Should a fighter actually make it to the election, they'll wipe the floor with Hillary. But the GOP is afraid to fight, and will push any actual fighter to the side in favor of yet another namby-pamby liberal bitch.

P2 said...

Awwww. C'mon.... I'm gonna run. I figure I can do as bad a job for at least a third the cost....economic recovery!!! and I'm as qualified as most of em....