Monday, May 11, 2015

You morons

You absolute fucking morons....

Here's what happened, even though nobody wants to say it, and I'll bet a paycheck on this - the bear and her cubs were in the middle of the bridge, going one way or another, and a bunch of brain-dead, fucktard, city-slicker, "oh hey look, Jesus freaks!", know-nothing fucking dipshits decided that they were going to get "close enough" to get a picture.

Do you know what you do when you see a mother bear with cubs?  You leave.  You leave quickly.  You do NOT go near it to get a photo.  You are dealing with an apex predator who sees you either as lunch or a threat.  Either way, it's not going to go well for you when five-hundred pounds of pissed off teeth and claws rips you in half.

Just leave them alone, you city-dwelling fucktards.  And leave your money at the gate.

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