Wednesday, May 13, 2015

If you are Catholic

Then you need to distance yourself from this heretic who calls himself the Pope.

Find a traditional Latin Mass (which Francis is opposed to, by the way).  There's a Latin Mass directory here.  This is the Mass that the Catholic church offered up until the schism known as "Vatican Two", which removed the spirituality from the Mass and turned it into nothing but performance art, created by people who hated the Church.

Satan couldn't defeat the church from the outside, so he attacked it from the inside.  Vatican Two is the result.  And if you are Catholic and you think I'm nuts for saying that, let me ask you something personal:

How often do you pray the Rosary?

When did you last read the Catechism of the church?

Do you know where the Tabernacle of your church is?  Do you understand why it's considered important?

Trust me on this.  As a man raised up under the Second Vatican council who then discovered the Latin Mass (aka the Tridentine Rite), the Vatican Two mass bears little resemblance to what it's supposed to be, and even worse, the people going to the mass don't even understand the wheres and whys of what the Mass is supposed to be, and why it's so important.

The largest religious denomination in America is ex-Catholics.  And Vatican Two is a huge reason for that.  If you'd like to go to a Catholic Mass where people actually believe in God, find Latin Mass.

And whatever you do, don't be fooled by Pope Frank.  He's the end result of decades of anti-Catholic teaching, culminating in the enemy of the Church being placed in charge of the Church.  Kind of like the anti-American communist Obama being voted in as President of the country he hates, loathes, and wishes to destroy.


Rivrdog said...

Shared this on my FB page, sir.

Ragin' Dave said...

Thank you much!