Friday, April 24, 2015


Some dude apparently was waving a gun at people in the Van Nuys area.

Driving home, I saw at least four different SWAT trucks hauling ass to the location.  There's been police copters hovering in the same area for hours.

See, this is why L.A. sucks.  Back in Idaho, that bastard would have been shot by a neighbor, tossed out on the front lawn, and all the cops would have to do is pick up the body.

Lot less noise that way for everyone else.

Oh, and since we're on a "Fuck Los Angeles" kick, the worthless fucking shithead who put a ding in my wife's door up at Porter Ranch?  Fuck you, you selfish, self-absorbed asshole.  You had better thank whatever gods you believe in that I wasn't there to see it, otherwise you'd be shitting your own teeth right now.

I truly do loath this city.  And most of the people in it.

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