Wednesday, September 03, 2014

THIS is why you don't just let anyone in.

So, the ISIS terrorist (now an ex-terrorist, actually) from Minneapolis, who was 29 years old, had 9 kids from multiple women, and jumped at the chance to go be a jihadist in Iraq worked at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport.

Do you feel better now?  Do you feel safer?

This musloid, who most likely dumped his kids onto the social welfare services (who else is taking care of them?) believed enough in jihad to go abroad to join in a massive terrorist army.  And he had access to the planes that flew in and out of one of the busiest airports in America.

Minneapolis is full of Somali immigrants, and Somali immigrants bring Somali problems to America if they are not forced to leave them behind.  And since Minneapolis is Ground Zero for liberal retardation in the upper Midwest (along with Madison, WI), that means that those Somali immigrants were welcomed with open arms and told "Don't you ever change, you vibrant, mulit-cultural person you!"

Well, guess what Somalia has to offer to the world, hm?  Pirates.  Terrorism.  Child armies addicted to khat.  Warlords.  Brutality.

So...  how about when people come to America from Somalia, they have to leave all that behind?  You think we could do that please?  Apparently not.  The only good thing to come out of this story is that the jihadist shithead died in Iraq and not blowing himself up in America.

Either we get damn picky about who we let into this country, or we get more crap like this, only next time maybe it shows up as pieces of what used to be a plane and 250 people impact the ground over Chicago, or St. Louis, or Denver.


Anonymous said...

Now we get to feed all his chilluns, probably forever.

Ragin' Dave said...

Probably. Minnesota is a beautiful state ruled by a liberal shithole, and the "vibrant" musloids all populated the liberal shithole. Chances of them getting cut off the dole? Zero.