Saturday, August 09, 2014

An oldie but a goodie

From Drumwaster, just in case some of you didn't see it in the comments.

I know it doesn't fit into the perception of happy hippy Jesus. but despite his long hair, Jesus was not a hippy.

Sorry to harsh your mellow, dude.


Drumwaster said...

The images of effeminate pale-skinned Jesus are also BS. People forget that he was raised and trained as a carpenter (which meant a lot of outdoor work), lived on the road for the last three years of his life, and was a fairly burly dude. He took a beating that usually killed the victim and still had enough energy to carry his cross most of the way to his own crucifixion...

Crotalus said...

Another possibility: arming His disciples.

Ragin' Dave said...

Remember when the eco-freaks were trying to push that whole "What Would Jesus Drive?" question? They were trying to shame Christians into buying some small little car, save the planet, yada yada yada. And my dad pointed out that as a carpenter, with 12 apostles, Jesus would have driven the biggest pick-up truck on the market, and towed a trailer as well.