Sunday, July 20, 2014

Oh, nope the hell out

Ladies - if you're having marital problems, and your husband says (or writes) some things to you in private that you're not happy with, the last thing you want to do is post it on Reddit, m'kay?

This guy needs to dump his wife like a bad habit.  There is no way in hell I would ever stay with a cold, non-sexual, neutering bitch like that.

Is that harsh?  Good, it needs to be harsh.  This "woman", and I use the term loosely, wants to complain about her husbands immature behavior while she's posting their dirty laundry on Reddit?????

Nope.  Nope the hell right outta that marriage, because it's not going to get any better from there.

1 comment:

bbuddha said...

what the heck, 3 times in 7 weeks and she's trying to say that he doesn't have good cause to be upset (and she tells the whole world about it) what a loon. he should run.!