Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ragin' Dave's Quote of the Day

From J Cal Davenport, who describes the blissful ideal of a liberal life free of any responsibility:

But isn’t this what liberalism is? The mentality of someone with too little experience to appreciate what it took to get here? 

The lack of perspective to realize what must be pulled down to make room for a new liberal edifice?  The naïve rejection of “any ancient or admitted authority?” History began before each of us was born. To put it another way: you didn’t create the free and prosperous nation in which you live. Someone else made that happen.

Perhaps I am being too harsh. Perhaps it is too much to expect most Americans to make something of themselves while avoiding abject poverty in the period of the greatest prosperity the world has ever known (an outcome largely the result of a virtuous independence, responsibility and reliance on institutions besides government, but I digress…).

Emphasis in the original.  And I put it up, because I'm long past trying to actually argue with liberals, as they are either A) completely and totally ignorant and/or indoctrinated, and thus easily manipulated by their government masters, or B) the people pulling the strings to make the easily manipulated dolts, drones and morons do what they want.  So what can I do?  Well, I start by shaming them.  And my goal is to either shame the ignorant into actually learning something, or get them to just shut the hell up.

Either works for me. 

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