Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dear Cunt-Face Cuomo

Fuck you, fuck your whore of a mother, and fuck the father you never knew because he didn't pay for the first time.

Fuck the horse you rode in on, fuck the goat that spawned it, and fuck the mountain they grazed on.

From this day forth, the State of New York shall ever be known as the state that only allow people who think that killing babies for the sexual convenience of the mother is sacrosanct.

From this day forth, the State of New York shall ever be known as the state who only allows people who hate the Constitution of the US, and the 2nd Amendment contained therein, to reside inside it's borders.

From this day forth, the State of New York shall be known as hostile to all Christians who actually know and understand their faith.

I will never do business in New York.  I will not purchase anything from a company in New York, and I'm not ever going to visit that festering cesspool of a city for as long as I live.

In conclusion, die screaming, and go to hell.


Ragin' Dave.

1 comment:

Rivrdog said...

Nice rant. If you aren't in line for E7, you ought to be.

Being a retired O4, I'll have to confine myself to saying that the entire political leadership of that shithole is treasonous, and ought to be removed physically from the face of this planet.