Saturday, June 08, 2013

Poking that wasp nest

So Og has a running "debate", if you can call people running by and throwing mean words at him a "debate", with a few folks over at his place.  One topic that is repeatedly coming up is gay marriage and how Christians aren't "tolerant".  So here's what I said:

Funny thing about tolerance; when you tolerate something, you’re putting up with it despite the fact that whatever action or object you tolerate is considered “wrong”

When you tolerate something, you are in effect saying that you are willing to put up with x, y, or z despite the fact that it is wrong/evil/unnecessary, because correcting the wrong/evil/unnecessary thing would possibly cause more harm that just tolerating it.

So when I’m told that I have to tolerate gay marriage, I’m being told that gay marriage is by definition wrong, but that not allowing it is more wrong that tolerating it.

You don’t tolerate things that are good. You don’t tolerate things that are beneficial. You tolerate things that are harmful, wrong, or evil. 

 How long till I get called a bigot?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
