Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Want to know why people like Herman Cain?

Because he's not a politician, that's why.

Every other person out there who wants the job is a politician, looking to grab that brass ring that would signify that they've put in their years in the grinder, compromising their morals, their ethics, lying, cheating, and generally being a bunch of amoral pricks.  Herman Cain is the only guy running who seems to be running because he sees that things are broken and he actually wants to fix it.

Now, is there some ego involved here?  Hell yes.  You don't run for President if you don't have at least a little ego.  But compared to Mitt "I'll say anything to get elected" Romney, and Rick Perry, who if I recall wasn't well loved by Dick, before he parked his blog.....  who else has a chance?

Herman Cain.  Hell, I'd take a Cain/Perry ticket in a heartbeat.

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