Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Allergy Hell

Did you know that the tree pollen count in Wisconsin is higher this year than it's been in twenty years?

Yeah.  I have what feels like the worst head cold in the world.  Sore throat.  Stuffy nose.  Plugged up ears.  Itchy eyes.

But no fever.  No hacking cough.  No snot in any color.  No signs what so ever that this is an infection, either viral or bacterial.  Just the pain of an infection without the actual infection.  So I guess on one hand, great, I'm not sick.  But on the other hand I still FEEL like crap, and now I don't have any excuse to stay home.  Oh, and we're doing fiscal law training this week.  Joy.  I wish I could tell you just how exciting fiscal law is, but the only real thing I can say is that I want to take Congress and drag them over a mile of broken glass, because over half of all the fucked up law out there exists only because Congress says so.

I have DayQuil somewhere.......

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