Saturday, February 06, 2010

The Great Peasant Revolt and DADT

If you haven't had a chance to read this Charles Krauthammer article yet, go thee hence and do so.  If you want to see arrogance in action all you need to do is look at the Democrat American Communist Party at work.  And this trickles down to their rank and file members.  If I oppose repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" then they say it's because I'm either afraid or a bigot.  If I oppose Government Health Care, then they say it's because I don't care enough about the little guy.  On and on and on, and if you've been a conservative for more than a week chances are you've had people use these arguments against you.

It's a good article all on it's own.  But stay with me while I make a sudden turn here.

And what's unsaid in those arguments?  What's the insinuation behind those words?  By stating that you are afraid of gays, or a bigot, they're stating that they themselves are NOT.  They might not understand the effects of repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, but by god they're no bigot like YOU, you knuckle-dragging homophobe!

If you're against the little guy, then that must mean that they're FOR the little guy!  And they'll show just how much they're for the little guy by taking your money and giving it away!  They don't need to understand the economic effects of their actions, they just get to feel better about themselves because they're for the little guy!

It's sheer arrogance.  And it's undeserved arrogance.  It eliminates the need to actually learn about a subject.  In fact, if people were forced to take the time to actually learn about those subjects, they wouldn't be nearly as arrogant.  It's a position that allows them to attack you as an individual rather than deal with the substance of the argument.  And it's breathtakingly effective, based on how far they've pushed those arguments into the mainstream.  Because instead of debating the actual topic, conservatives have spent far too much time proving that they're not a bigot, or they're not afraid.

Well fuck all that.  Especially on the topic of Don't Ask Don't Tell, I have come to the point where I really don't give a shit what people think of me as a person.  I'm tired of being insulted and called names by a bunch of pansy-assed pieces of shit who are advocating for something that they'll never have to clean up after,.  It's risk-free gratification for them!  "LOOK AT ME!  I'M SO TOLERANT!  I'M SO OPEN-MINDED!  AND YOU ARE NOT!"  They get to make themselves feel good and look good in public and they'll never have to deal with the consequences of what they propose.  And so they use that undeserved arrogance to attack people who oppose them.  Every debate boils down to "Oh, you're just scared" or "You're just a bigot!" or "You just need to get used to it!"

No, no, and no.  If that's the best you've got, you need to go take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut.  Damn near every argument they bring up boils down to personal attacks, because that's all they have left.  And quite frankly, I'm tired of it.

"But gays are just like you!" - No, they are not.  That one is simple.  I'm attracted to women.  He's attracted to men.  That's a pretty big difference, if you ask me.

"Gays have just as much right to serve in the military as you do!"  Nobody has a "right" to serve in the military.  The military discriminates for a whole host of reasons, and all of those reasons boil down to producing as effective and cohesive a military as possible.  Putting gay men with straight men in the same barracks room tends to pretty much obliterate that whole "cohesive" part, just like bunking men and women together would do as well.

"I get along with my gay co-workers, why can't the military?"

Here's my response to that from three years ago.  Go enjoy.

Here's what Fred wrote about the same time.  If my civilian supervisor is gay, and he's coming on to me, I can go home and get away from him.  In the military, if my Squad Leader is gay, and he's coming on to me, he has the ability to control my every move from sun-up to sun-down.  And you think problems won't occur?

Do you honestly think that when problems crop up, they won't affect everyone?  "Hey bro, you see what happened in 4th Platoon?  That shit could happen HERE too!"  And drip by drip, the bond is eaten away.

"But Dave, there are gays in the military already!"  Really?  Do I know who they are?  Here's the thing - if they're keeping their homosexuality under wraps, then the negative sexual dynamic does not exist.  Imagine a hypothetical situation where a woman pretends to be a man.  I know that it's far out there, but just work with me.  She shows up every day with short hair, boobs strapped down with an ace bandage, and manages to make people think she's a guy.  She is in effect hiding her sexuality.

What sexual dynamic exists at that point?

Now one day she walks into a barracks full of men who thinks that she's a man as well.  She whips off her shirt, takes the bandage off, and says "SURPRISE!  I'M A CHICK!"

What sexual dynamic exists at this new point?

Yes, it's a hypothetical situation, but it can very easily be a real one if Don't Ask Don't Tell is repealed.

Let's just go with basic, normal questions:  Where do you bunk gay Soldiers?  In a room with a straight Soldier?  That's a violation of sexual privacy.  In with other gay Soldiers?  You now invite the kind of sexual hijinks that you're trying to avoid by keeping men and women separate.  In with a straight Soldier of the opposite gender?  Again, violation of sexual privacy, both for the straight AND the gay Soldier.  The people advocating for the removal of DADT haven't even bothered to come up with a serious answer to THOSE questions, and that's just the tip of the iceberg if DADT is repealed and open homosexuality is allowed in the military.  Which tells me that they're not thinking about what is best for the military, they just want to push their political agenda on the military so that they can feel better about themselves.  If people can't be bothered to think about what's going to happen if the action they're pushing is taken, then I question their motives.  Most the people I've debated have brushed it off with "Oh, well you'll just have to deal with it."  Yes, yes I will, and not in a good way.  "You'll think of something."  Oh god, the arrogance of that statement makes me want to howl.  "I'm going to force you to undertake an action that you do not want to do, and when all hell breaks lose and you're standing neck deep in shit, you'll just have to think of a solution while I stand over here keeping my manicured toenails clean."

Fuck.  You.

There's been one or two people who have managed to ask me questions without insulting my intelligence or my constitution.  Sergeant Mac comes to mind.  But the rest of you?  You're not going to get any kind of niceties from me.

Flame on!

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