Friday, September 18, 2009

They just don't get it

First I read this post by Dan Riehl:

The first thing Boehner does is mention that Independents out number the base in their concerns over Obama. That's a bit of a tell as to which way he is leaning. But the second issue is far worse.

While I've no problem with his staying clear of some of the truly fringe stuff like the doomed birther movement, that he can't appreciate creeping socialism is rather troubling, indeed. And he seems to feed into the notion that the "base" is mostly comprised of the more extreme and unhinged elements of it.

It's hard to conclude anything other than Boehner simply doesn't get it at all. This is a genuinely troubling read.

You know what I haven't seen much of in the flap over health care? I have seen very few Republicans come out and simply say "This is not the government's job. This is not the government's business. The government has no reason to take over the health care system in this country." Maybe they've been saying it and I just haven't heard it or seen it in print, but there seems to be a dearth of people willing to simply tell the government to back off. And the quote from Rep. Boehner is troubling for that reason. And then I went over to Geek w/a .45, and saw this:

And I thought to myself, "Yep. That explains it."

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