Thursday, August 06, 2009

Couple of quick links

Before I head on out this morning. First is this Powerline piece taking note of the White House's response to the Drudge Report (and other websites) who put up Obama's 2007 speech about how he'll eliminate private insurance plans. The White House doesn't even bother to refute anything, they just push out some pre-made talking points and leave it at that. Pathetic.

What is even more pathetic is the way the Democrat American Communist Party is trying to demonize the citizens of this country who are standing up and letting their feelings and opinions be known. If anything highlights the way the Left feels about this country, it's the way they've reacted to the Tea Parties and protests, by trying to discredit the protesters rather than actually respond to their complaints. It's the classic leftist tactic of attacking the messenger, not the message. What their squealing really shows is that we're getting to them. Remember, the more they're scared, the more they'll attack people.

Gah. At this point I'm just glad that some Americans woke the hell up. I hope it's not too late.

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