Sunday, July 05, 2009

Hey, here's a question

Do you think that if John McCain had defended Sarah Palin as vociferously as he defended Teleprompter Jesus, do you think Palin would have resigned right now?

I mean, good lord, the woman is $500,000 in debt from defending herself from bogus ethics complaints. That's HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT. You want to know why she resigned? Because if she stayed in office, she'd be a million dollars in debt by the end of her term. And not one single ethics complaint has been true. Not one. The State of Alaska has spent $2,000,000 defending Palin from these harassing legal battles.

Two. Million Dollars. To have count after count after count thrown out. The charges are all bullshit. But the Left doesn't care. The left wants to destroy her, because Sarah Palin is the woman who exposes the Feminazi's as the frauds, hypocrites and liars that they are. The "moderate" conservatives in the GOP hate her because .... hell, I don't know why. Maybe because they fear a return to conservative values. Maybe because they know that Sarah Palin, while being a woman, still has bigger balls than half the men in the GOP. Maybe because they know that without Palin, McCain wouldn't have gotten half the votes he got, and they're pissed off about that. But for whatever reason, Palin has been attacked by her own damn party as well as the Left, and to be honest it's made me push myself further away from the GOP than I had previously done.

The Left has done everything in their power to destroy Sarah Palin, and they've been downright vicious and cruel about it. And it's about damn time that one of the nutless fucking wonders of the GOP started playing by their rules. It's about damn time that the spinless sacks of shit who make up the GOP finally figured out that playing nice with the Left only gets you stabbed in the back. And it's well past time to fight fire with fire.

Fuck it, it's war, it's been war for years, and the GOP needs to wake up and smell the damn coffee.

UPDATE: Cold Fury says it better:

Sue them, bankrupt them, ruin their lives, destroy their careers, shut down their blogs and other propaganda outlets, get ‘em locked up wherever possible. Kick them in the teeth again and again, until they howl in pain from the gutter they roll in. Scorch the very earth under their feet. Unleash pure hell on them, and make every single day of their lives a horror and a misery — just as they did to you, just as they’ve done to so many other decent men and women who have the temerity to disagree with their anti-American ideal of what this country should be. Liberal asswipes have gotten away with this sort of thing for far too long.

Palin’s political career is over, you say? If she takes the fight to the villainous curs and sees to it that they get what they so richly deserve for abusing our legal system and undermining our system of government, every true conservative in the country will cheer her loud and long, and will eagerly cast their votes for her in whatever election she decides to contest — which would be a welcome change from dragging ourselves to the polls with reluctance and dismay. Hopefully, this is but the opening salvo in a long, vigorous, and thorough fight. We’ll see. If Palin keeps after them, the sky will be the limit for her. We’ve been waiting for this a long time, and she’s just the person to make it happen.

Reap the whirlwind, you odious, gutless, evil pricks. We’ll fix your little red wagon yet; wait and see if we don’t.

Yep. And let them squeal.

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