Saturday, June 13, 2009

Putting it bluntly why I like Og so much, even though I've never met the guy.

The issue of marriage, in case you’ve been living under a rock, is about this and this alone: Militant gays want to damage the church because the church will never accept their lifestyle. If you don’t get this, you probably never will.

Through history, if you see a group of people whining to be allowed to join an institution, like a country club, or an all-male military academy, or a basically religeous institution like marriage, their aim is not to be inclusive, but to destroy that institution. Plain and simple. The moment there is nationwide “Gay Marriage” there will be a call to force the churches to allow gay marriage, or be put out of business. This is that road. Want to go down it? I sure as hell don’t.

The phrase "Gentleman's Club" actually use to refer to a place where Gentlemen went to socialize. Now it's used to refer to strip clubs. Want to guess why?

Because a few women demanded entry. And now there are very few Gentleman's Clubs.

Which is just what the Gay, Lesbian, Transexual, Trianything, BDS&M, getmyfreakon community wants to happen to the various churches in America.

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