Monday, June 15, 2009

Let me just say it now

Without any hints, subtlety, or innuendo: I'm a Sarah Palin fan. Why? Because out of all the nationally known Republicans, she's one of the few who doesn't run and hide and try to play nice with a group of anti-American assholes.

Letterman, Olbermann, Matthews, Couric, Lauer, Powerline, Noonan, Parker, Brooks, Frum, and the Beltway GOP once again unleashed their nastiness and savagery upon her, and what did she do? She fired back, and she fired back without mercy upon her enemies. She reduced Matt Lauer to a stumbling mass of jumbling live on National TV. She has caused the pundit class and MSNBC to twist themselves into a pretzel over her response. And David Letterman and his enablers have made themselves look foolish in the process of trying to spin this away.

All because she won't back down. All because she refuses to abandon the battlefield and "Play Nice". They have no idea how to deal with that. She is once again in their OODA Loop. And it is fucking awesome.
The GOP, as a whole, is nothing more than people who are too weak to argue against the Left. Palin has no such problem, and the GOP can't stand her for it. Is she perfect? Hell no, but she's ten times better than anyone else the GOP has managed to put forward. And you want to know how I know this? Because the GOP elite, the GOP elite who spent money like drunken sailors when they were in charge of the government, the GOP who were nothing but RINOs for years, expanding government on an exponential scale, the GOP who lost the 2006 elections HORRIBLY, the GOP who lost the 2008 elections HORRIBLY, started attacking Palin the moment the elections were over.

When the people responsible for the complete and total destruction of the Republican Party started attacking Palin, I knew she was someone who needed to be supported and advanced. So, to all those Republicans who do NOT support Palin - if you have good reasons to do so, I'd like to hear them. But at this point, I have to agree with eddiebear:

All in all, fuck anybody sideways who doesn't defend Gov. Palin now. She has rejoined the battle, and is standing there, damn near by herself, and she has them running from her, reduced to name-calling and refusals to debate her. And anybody who is unwilling to stand with her should be ashamed.
Yer damn skippy.

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