Sunday, January 18, 2009

They still hate us

So the Islamo-fascists are driving cars over a poster of the Moonbat Messiah? No kidding? Who woulda thunk it?

Well, anyone with half a brain could have told you it would happen. But we lost this election. It's all sunbeams and rainbows and unicorn farts from now on, remember?

Look, I don't know who first started the meme that if we elected the Liberal Lord and Messiah, all the wars in the world would stop and everybody would love us again. But it's bullshit, it's always been bullshit, and if the dipshits on the Left had actually bothered to take a good hard look at the people this country is fighting, they would have seen that nothing we do is going to stop that hatred. But that takes too much effort for the Left. It takes thought, and serious contemplation, neither of which the Left is capable of.

The only difference now is that this country is losing the President who fights back, and installing the Great Surrenderer.

We are so fucked.

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