Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama picks Biden

So the Lord Messiah Barak Hussien Obama, the holy purveyor of Changy-Hopiness, picks a lifetime politician who has been in office since BEFORE I WAS EVEN BORN. If you want a picture perfect example of the corrupt status-quo, Biden is an excellent example. Not the only example of course, but a damn good one.

I suppose if you wanted to attract the coastal liberal elites, Biden is a great pick. If you wanted to attract voters from the Midwest, the South and Western states, you couldn't have picked a worse candidate for VP. Right now as the ticket stands, the candidate for President is a done-nothing neophyte from the Chicago political machine who stands for some vague concepts but nothing specific, and the candidate for VP is a career politician from the Northeast who's known for verbal gaffes and plagiarism.

I'm a little underwhelmed.

This will be an interesting election season.

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