Thursday, June 26, 2008

A tale of two mindsets

On one hand, you have people now fighting back against the Supreme Court in it's decision to stop the execution of child rapists.

Me? I say that if someone is a child rapists, you toss 'em into Old Sparky. Seriously - child rape is so sick and disgusting, the damage done to the child is so severe, that I don't want any child rapist left alive. Hell, do a public execution. Behead the bastards with a dull axe.

Hyperbole? No. Child rape, in my opinion is worse than murder. Because the damage from being raped as a child continues for years, if not decades. The pain inflicted is more than just the act, it's the mental and emotional damage that goes on long after the pedophile is gone. So I want the punishment to be as severe and horrible as we can possibly make it. And I'm willing to bet that most Americans feel the same way.

However, one guy (a Democrat American Communist Party member, surprise surprise) feels the opposite.

A Massachusetts politician and defense attorney has touched off a firestorm with his shocking public vow to torment and "rip apart" child rape victims who take the witness stand if the state legislature passed stiff mandatory sentences for child sex offenders.

Rep. James Fagan, a Democrat, made the comments during debate last month on the state House floor.

"I'm gonna rip them apart," Fagan said of young victims during his testimony on the bill. "I'm going to make sure that the rest of their life is ruined, that when they’re 8 years old, they throw up; when they’re 12 years old, they won’t sleep; when they’re 19 years old, they’ll have nightmares and they’ll never have a relationship with anybody.”

Fagan said as a defense attorney it would be his duty to do that in order to keep his clients free from a "mandatory sentence of those draconian proportions."

I have no comments that do not include many four-letter words.

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