Friday, December 21, 2007

Stupid, stupid, stupid

I haven't been big on Mike Huckabee. No big deal. I think that Fred D. Thompson should be our nominee. But this shows that Huckabee just isn't fit to be President at all. In fact, I think it's emblematic of the problem the GOP has as a whole; they've lost touch with their base, and when the base tries to get them to listen, they insult the very people who support them.

To wit, the closest thing Rush Limbaugh has said in favor of any candidate was some favorable comments towards Fred Thompson. He has effectively been neutral, which is a hard thing to do in this election. And yet Huckabee's campaign felt the need to attack Rush Limbaugh? Stupid. Unbelievably stupid. Just flat out idiotic. It would be like Hillary Clinton launching an attack on Kos, or Glenn(s) Greenwald. You don't attack the people who are on your side, period. Debate them, argue with them, try to sway them to your point of view, fine. But what the Huckabee campaign has done shows that they're simply not able to deal with the Presidency.

It might just sink him in one fell swoop.

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