Saturday, August 18, 2007

Protected Classes

I was talking with my sister, who works for a *major* corporation. We were discussing what is and is not considered acceptable banter at work. She told me that there is a man who will give lurid details about his life with his boyfriend, and she could not possibly press harassment charges, because he is gay. But, if she were to discuss being Christian, she *would be* disciplined, from her phrasing, I suspect possibly fired.

She was also telling me that if she and her husband were not married they would not be able to get *partners benefits* because they are not the same sex.

She cited many other examples, that were all equally reprehensible.

This is her reason for not wanting to allow Gay marriage, people who are already a *protected class*, and now they want *more* rights????

The sadder part of this conversation is that all of these classes have come out in the last 30 years at most, most in the last decade. It makes me a little sick to my stomach.

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