Monday, July 02, 2007

And once again

THE MEDIA IS NOT YOUR FRIEND! The media doesn't give a damn about those inconvenient facts. Hell, the media at this point doesn't give a shit that they're getting caught flat out lying to you. They're continuing to lie, and lie, and lie, all to push their political agenda. It's not about the news at all in their minds, it's about what they can do to recapture their Viet Nam glory days, where they took a war that we were winning and forced American to surrender.

One man with a camera captures the true story, and not one single Has-Been Media source bothers to get his story. Michael Yon is over in Iraq on his own dime, doing the reporting that the AP, NYT, and API will not do.

That's why I won't buy any newspapers. Looks like I won't be buying them any time soon. My money is better spent in Yon's tipjar.

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