Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sprinting in place

Finally got online today. Wrote an email to the Raging Mrs. Reply to an email from a friend. Then hit 4RWWS.

The soldier hasn't returned to Santo Domingo yet. Paperwork issues. That should be settled at some point, and then they'll fly him here, where we'll pick him up. Honor Guard, most likely 24 hours. Then the ceremony. He's going to be cremated, so there won't be a funeral in the common sense of the word. From what I understand, we'll be bringing his casket right out into the street. The police are going to shut off traffic for a couple of blocks, and there will be people everywhere.

It's going to be interesting, to say the least.

In the meantime, it's practice, practice, practice, meeting, practice, meal time, meeting, practice, meeting, meal time, bed time. Roughly. That's an approximation, not a direct copy from my schedule. I've got another meeting in twenty minutes, so I'll sign off for now and let you all get back to the blogs where people are actually posting this week!

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