Tuesday, March 27, 2007

About Iran

Taking British sailors and marines hostage - I haven't commented on it, because DANEgerus pretty much covered it completely.

My thinking on the whole issue can be summed up in a quick paragraph - the British response SHOULD have been "If our people aren't released in twenty-four hours, the entire Iranian Navy will cease to exist." The US response should have been "We will support Great Britain in any endeavor to get her people back." And our carrier groups should have been waiting for the signal to turn the Iranian military into scrap metal. Unfortunately, none of the above happened as far as I can tell. So we're going to play the waiting game, and the talking game, until Iran finally pops a nuke in one of our cities, or a city of our allies.

And then all hell will break loose, and the damage caused by it will be much worse than if we dealt with Iran now. It's 1938 all over again, with NATO playing the part of Chamberlin, and Iran playing Hitler. Only Iran isn't playing at all, it's acting on what it wants to do, and nobody in the world wants to deal with them.

I fear for the future sometimes.

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